Tag Archive for: Coach Scot Bemis


Thanksgiving abundance conjures up a myriad of images, doesn’t it? For some of us, it’s tons of family and friends gathered around a large table, spirited beverages flowing and boundless food laid out. For many, it’s quite the opposite. They’re alone, maybe homeless. Perhaps it’s even one of service to others. Everyone has his/her own take, own varied traditions.

What ever Thanksgiving means to and/or for you, the most valuable interpretation is the one that causes each of us to stop and appreciate the abundance in our lives. Maybe your wealth has manifested itself in terms of money, friends, opportunities, or simply peace and time to just think — a commodity often rare in these times of instant gratification, ever-changing technology, and over-scheduling. It may also have revealed itself as constant change and challenge. Again, how each is viewed determines its manifestation.


Have you been struggling to appreciate transitions, hardships, and challenges? You’re not alone. Who doesn’t at times? After all, why would any of us be thankful for problems? Aren’t there enough of them in the world?

Consider this: “Sometimes a change of perspective is all it takes to see the light.” Author Dan Brown wrote in his novel The Lost Symbol. He also said, “The decisions of our past are the architects of our present.” What does that mean?

It means in the shadows, or even the dark, issues may appear unfathomably huge. Yet, from a different vantage point, whether the change of companions, conversation, physical stance, or even different time of day, a new perspective, or light, can brighten and shrink those same issues down to more manageable sizes. Why not see everything, even gut-wrenching, tear-staining, mind-blowing anguish as an opportunity for growth?!

Since we’re talking about Thanksgiving, ponder the plight of the pilgrims in a strange new world; and, while at it, ponder the plight of the Native American Indians as their world was invaded by these strangers. Did they experience some hardships!


Because we’re referencing hard and difficult, do you like sparkly or valuable things, like diamonds? Know what? It takes tremendous adversity, pressure, and time to make them, too!



So when you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed, follow a few steps:

  • Breathe (contrary to popular belief, this is necessary).
  • Turn on some light, or stand up, or sleep on it.
  • See the abundance of opportunity (perspective change!).
  • Breathe again and “get after it!” (In the words of beloved high school football, girls’ soccer coach, and science teacher Scot Bemis, when he encouraged his teams and classes to keep practicing, keep fighting, keep reaching.)

This is truly appreciating the abundance and spirit of Thanksgiving every day.